Vegas Robaina

Vegas Robaina
  1. Special Price 65.00 USD Regular Price 86.00 USD
  2. Special Price 48.00 USD Regular Price 56.00 USD
  1. Swiss
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    Special Price 65.00 USD Regular Price 86.00 USD
  2. swiss
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    Special Price 48.00 USD Regular Price 56.00 USD


Vegas Robaina cigars are truly a Cuban cigar for the people, often cherished by cigar enthusiasts. Introduced in 1997 as a relatively young brand in the Habanos S.A. lineup, they are among a short list of cigar brands launched after the Cuban Revolution. Though a younger brand, these cigars are named after the legendary tobacco grower Alejandro Robaina, whose expertise and dedication to cultivating exceptional tobacco leaves earned him the moniker "The Godfather of Cuban Tobacco."

Alejandro Robaina, born in 1919, became a celebrated Cuban figure for his tobacco expertise. Farming in Vuelta Abajo, he grew some of the finest tobaccos for Cohiba and Trinidad, with an impressive wrapper yield of 80% compared to others at 35%. In recognition of his feats as a tobacconist, the Cuban government created Vegas Robaina cigars using his farm's tobaccos, hand-rolled at the legendary H. Upmann factory.

What sets Vegas Robaina apart is not just the impeccable construction of its cigars but also the exquisite flavor profiles that come from the choice of tobacco and the blending expertise passed down through generations. The brand offers a range of sizes and shapes, catering to a wide spectrum of cigar enthusiasts.

Vegas Robaina remains a symbol of Cuban cigar excellence, admired by connoisseurs and collectors worldwide. For those seeking an authentic Cuban cigar experience that embodies the essence of tradition and quality, Vegas Robaina is a name that consistently delivers on its promise of exceptional cigars that stand the test of time.

Garnering much acclaim from critics and average cigar smokers alike, Vega Robaina cigars feature pure Cuban tobaccos that exude creamy, earthy, and peppery notes. Ready to experience the allure? Order your Vegas Robaina cigars today and savor the essence of Cuban craftsmanship!